Narratives of Roman Scotland in the Digital Age

Ancient Identities Rediscovering the Antonine Wall
Sculpture at Kinneil on the Antonine Wall based on a Roman horse harness found nearby. Attribution: Marcin Klimek. Copyright: Historic Environment Scotland

About the Project

The Roman period is one of the most attractive moments in history for the general public, as manifested in the proliferation of books, TV series, and films on the topic. In Scotland, the legacy of Rome is materialised in hundreds of military installations and a wealth of material culture, most notably in the Antonine Wall, one of Scotland’s six UNESCO World Heritage sites. The Royal Society of Edinburgh funded project “Narratives of Roman Scotland in the Digital Age” explores current research and practices on the Roman presence in the North and its contemporary meanings. It consists of four events on the interpretation and dissemination of Scotland’s Roman past: an online colloquium between the applicants and representatives of community-led organisations; a series of workshops running over two days and bringing together academics and practitioners; a public launch event disseminating new digital resources; and a series of public talks.

The project aims to achieve several outcomes:

The current Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of engaging imaginatively with new ways of communicating and interacting, and our project will specifically focus on the potential of digital solutions. All presentations will be livestreamed and recorded in order to create a freely accessible digital archive.